Electric motor Epropulsion SPIRIT 1.0 PLUS S

Electric motor Epropulsion SPIRIT 1.0 PLUS S

26 € to the bonus program 5 roků záruka

Electric motor Epropulsion SPIRIT 1.0 S PLUS with manual control, suitable for light motorboats or sailboats up to 1.5 tons displacement. It has comparable performance to 3HP internal combustion engines, but is lighter and more environmentally friendly. Unlike the basic series, it has a battery with a higher capacity and the possibility of connecting to an external 48V battery. More

Manufacturer: EPROPULSION Shipping and Payment

2 691 €
In stock within 3 days - We usually ship in 2-3 days

Electric motor Epropulsion SPIRIT 1.0 S PLUS with manual control, suitable for light motorboats or sailboats up to 1.5 tons displacement. It has comparable performance to 3HP internal combustion engines, but is lighter and more environmentally friendly. Unlike the basic series, it has a battery with a higher capacity and the possibility of connecting to an external 48V battery. More

Manufacturer: EPROPULSION Shipping and Payment

Electric motor Epropulsion SPIRIT 1.0 S PLUS with manual control, suitable for light motorboats or sailboats up to 1.5 tons displacement. It has comparable performance to 3HP internal combustion engines, but is lighter and more environmentally friendly. Unlike the basic series, it has a battery with a higher capacity and the possibility of connecting to an external 48V battery.


The SPIRIT 1.0 PLUS electric motor comes with a lithium polymer battery with a capacity of 1,276 Wh, which is 258 Wh more than the base model. The battery floats on water due to its weight. In addition, this electric motor has a stainless steel battery connector and can be connected to an external 48 V battery. Its long life is ensured by robust construction and protection against corrosion and salt water.

This electric motor is suitable for light motorboats and sailboats up to 1.5 tons. Unlike the gasoline outboard engine, the SPIRIT 1.0 PLUS engine is emission-free and considerably quieter. The motor noise does not exceed 55 dB and is therefore almost noiseless. You don't hear any buzzing or growling. The SPIRIT 1.0 PLUS engine features an improved gearless engine design with simple operation and low consumption. Variable forward and reverse speed control.

Advantages of the Epropulsion SPIRIT 1.0 S PLUS electric motor

  • battery status indicator 
  • high resistance and strength 
  • very quiet operation
  • low consumption 
  • minimal heat transfer

reliable hanging attachment with the possibility of tilting  

Standard equipment Electric motor Epropulsion SPIRIT 1.0 S PLUS

  • floating battery 1,276 Wh
  • information digital display
  • battery charger
  • ship screw made of hardened plastic
  • breakout fuse 

Battery status indicator 

The display informs you about the current voltage, power and remaining battery capacity. 

Spirit 1276 Wh battery

The Spirit battery works in all conditions. It is light, compact and contains a lot of energy.

Thanks to the special design and low weight, the battery floats!

The maximum charging time with a standard charger is 8 hours.

Engine without gearbox 

Elektromotor Spirit používá vodou chlazený, bezuhlíkový motor s vysokou účinností.
Díky absenci převodovky v případě kontaktu motoru se dnem nebo jiným předmětem, motor rozpozná změnu krouticího momentu a sníží nebo úplně vypne motor.

Závěs pro připevnění motoru

Spolehlivější než konvenční řešení. Materiál, z něhož je vyroben je odolný vůči namáhání a deformacím způsobeným teplem a UV zářením.


Na motory Spirit výrobce poskytuje záruku v době trvání 2 let. Více informací naleznete v příručce uživatele a v obchodních podmínkách firmy.

Technické parametry 

Elektromotor Epropulsion SPIRIT 1.0 S PLUS

Příkon 1 000 W
Hnací výkon 500 W
Srovnatelný výkon spalovacího motoru 3 HP
Statický tah 66 Ibs
Akumulátor Lithium Polymer  1276 Wh
Nominální proud 20,8 A
Délka nohy 24,6″ / S
Celková hmotnost 19,3 kg
Hmotnost bez akumulátoru 10,6 kg
Hmotnost baterie 8,7 kg
Max. otáčky 1 200 ot/min
Ovládání ruční
Řízení ruční
Trim manuální
Palubní počítač ano
Plynulý akcelerátor ano

    Doba provozu na 1x akumulátor 1 276 Wh

    V závislosti na typu lodi, hmotnosti nákladu, povětrnostních podmínkách.

    Poloviční plyn 5,5 km/h
    Plný plyn 9,2 km/h

    27,5 km
    10,6 km

    Výdrž akumulátorů
    5:00 hodin
    1:15 hodin

    Video Elektromotor Epropulsion SPIRIT 1.0 S PLUS