
How to choose a canoe and raft paddle?

The length of the paddle  depends on the height of the character, the type of boat and the paddling technique. You can determine the appropriate paddle length by placing the paddle in front of the canoeist. For an inflatable canoe, the paddle should reach between the chin and the nose, for a raft, to the nose. Approximate paddle lengths according to body height (body height / paddle length): 190/165 cm, 185/160 cm, 175/155 cm, 165/150 cm, 155/140 cm.  

Jak vybrat délku pádel a velikosti vest v setu?

Délka pádla závisí na výšce postavy, typu lodě a technice pádlování. Vhodnou délku pádla můžete určit tak, že postavíte pádlo před kanoistu. Pro nafukovací kanoe by mělo pádlo sahat mezi bradu a nos, pro raft k nosu. Orientační délky pádel dle výšky postavy (výška postavy / délka pádla): 190/165 cm, 185/160 cm, 175/ 155 cm, 165/ 150 cm, 155/ 140 cm.

Pro nafukovací kajak jsou doporučené délky turistických pádel (výška postavy / délka pádla): 190/230 cm, 180/220 cm, 170/210 cm, 160/205 cm. Věběr záleží též na šířce lodi. Na divokou vodu se doporučuje pádlo cca o 10-20 cm kratší.

Velikost plovací vesty: Výběr dle hmotnosti, do 50 kg - XS, do 60 kg - S/M, do 90 kg - L/XL, nad 80 kg - XXL.

What size sail to choose for windsup?

What size sail to choose for windsup?

When choosing a sail for a paddleboard, the person's height, weight and strength are important. Further on the experience and conditions in which we want to drive.

How to choose a paddle for a paddleboard

How to choose a paddle for a paddleboard

You can have the best board, but without a good paddle, you can actually make your life a lot harder. Weight, stiffness and construction of the paddle are the most important parameters when choosing a paddle for a paddleboard.

How to choose a wing size?

A slightly different wing size is suitable for each wing sport. In addition to Wing foiling, it is possible to use Wing as a complement to many other sports. However, a slightly different size of the wing is suitable for each sport. In this article, we will outline how to choose the most suitable wing size.

Comparison of manometers for inflatable boats

Comparison of manometers for inflatable boats

A pressure gauge is an important tool for all owners of inflatable boats, rafts, canoes, fishing and motor boats. By using a manometer you can control the pressure inside the inflatable chambers. Only a properly inflated boat has the right properties. It does not break, it has sufficient buoyancy and stiffness, thus it is easier to control. It does not create resistance in the water, which means a saving of physical forces, energy or fuel. Most importantly, you can't over-inflate and destroy the boat. We will introduce you to different types of manometers and the differences in their use.